Home / News / Governor Lamont Praises House Approval of Comprehensive Legislation Addressing Gun Violence

Governor Lamont Praises House Approval of Comprehensive Legislation Addressing Gun Violence

Aug 27, 2023Aug 27, 2023


(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Ned Lamont is applauding the Connecticut House of Representatives for voting today to approve a comprehensive legislative proposal he introduced that includes several provisions to reduce gun violence, stop mass shootings, and prevent firearm accidents and suicides.

The legislation is House Bill 6667, An Act Addressing Gun Violence. The House approved the bill by a bipartisan vote of 96-51. It next needs to be approved by the Senate before the governor can sign it into law.

"We need to do everything we can to keep our communities safe and prevent those who intend on doing harm from accessing these deadly weapons," Governor Lamont said. "The provisions included in this legislation are supported by the overwhelming majority of Connecticut residents – including many gun owners – because they want to live in a community that has commonsense measures that encourage gun safety and prevent harm from impacting our neighborhoods and homes. This bill was crafted with input from the public after a long public hearing, as well as from Democrat and Republican legislators who sat down with our administration to develop the final language included in the legislation. I appreciate everyone who worked with us on getting the bill to this point – including judiciary co-chairs Senator Gary Winfield and Representative Steve Stafstrom – and I strongly encourage the Senate to vote on this bill and get it to my desk so that I can sign it into law."

Some of the major provisions in the bill include:

Governor Lamont said Open carry High-risk repeat offenders Ghost guns Bulk purchase of guns Gun dealer accountability Safe storage Assault weapons ban Large-capacity magazine ban Underage purchases of guns Pistol permit training Domestic violence Trigger locks Transport Body armor Permitting timelines